"Interdisciplinary Inroads" in the January 2011 English Journal
"The True Benefit of Technology to Education" at Independent Teacher Online Journal
"No More Spying! English in the International Classroom" in the European Council of International Schools Newsletter
"Jazzing up Spring Lessons with a Theater Corner" in the CAIS faculty newsletter (p. 17)
"Finding Mr. Potatohead" in the CAIS faculty newsletter (p. 6)
"Into the Wild", NAIS Cool Books Project, Independent School Magazine Website
"Partner Classrooms: Linking Bulgaria and Washington D.C.", May 2010 Issue of English Journal
More recently, I've become interested in the role of technology in teaching. I coordinated a technology in-service for ACS including workshops on blogging, anti-plagiarism sites, Web 2.0, Wikipedia, SIRS database, and message boards. Visit the in-service companion blog I startedhere.
"Thanks for all the time and effort you put into planning yesterday's in-service. I enjoyed all three of my sessions very much and learned quite a lot as well. The feedback from others has been very positive. I think this was probably the best in-service we've had in the past few years."